Thursday, May 8, 2008

May 9, 2008

Making Peace in My Family

Read the Bible through:
AM –
2 Samuel 21-22 : PM – Luke 16:1-18

Relying on God
Genesis 13:14-18

15 “
For all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever”.

When Margie and I were first married, we became friends with an elderly couple in our church. They were nearly triple our age. As their health failed going to live with their son in Louisiana was their only option. Despite their frailties and discouragement, they were trusting in the Lord. They didn’t even talk about their own health concerns, only about the health of their aging friends and how they were praying for them. Their independence was gone and everything had to be done for them, yet they placed complete faith in the Lord that he would provide for all their needs.

Abram’s life was an example of depending on God. He knew the Lord would take care of him and his family. He had acted unselfishly and the Lord rewarded him with the land as far as he could see in all directions. The Lord also would give him more descendants than he could count.

Dear Lord, help me to rely on You today for all my needs.