Saturday, October 13, 2007

October 14

Blessing All Nations

Accomplished through Christ
Acts 3:25-26

Read the Bible through:
AM -
Jeremiah 26 : PM - Colossians 4

"You are sons of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying to Abraham, And in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed." (Acts 3:25).

Her name is Crystal. She is a US-2 Missionary for the North American Mission board in California. Their names are Bob and Barbara. They coordinate the senior adult ministry in their church. His name is Ellis. He is a constant encouragement to other believers in the faith. Each of these are faithful to God in the ministry He has given them. They continue to serve Him wholeheartedly out of love for Him. The result is His blessings upon the work they are doing. Lost people are being won, and believers are being strengthened by their faithfulness.

Just as Abraham's faithfulness was a blessing to those around him, so God can use your faithfulness to be a blessing to those around you, all to the glory of Jesus Christ who made possible our salvation.

Lord, please use me to be a blessing to others.