Creation: How Did It Begin?
God blesses His creation
Genesis 2:1-3
Read the Bible through:
AM - Psalm 65-68 : PM - Acts 28:1-15
Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made (Gen. 2:3).
God blesses His creation
Genesis 2:1-3
Read the Bible through:
AM - Psalm 65-68 : PM - Acts 28:1-15
Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made (Gen. 2:3).
When God finished His work of creation, He set aside the following day as a day of rest. In doing so, He set an example for His human creation. They were to observe a designated day of the week as a day for rest and worship.
Earlier in our nation's history, society in general respected Sunday as the Lord's Day, a day of rest from labor and for worship. Many of our country's presidents were faithful observers of the Lord's Day. George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Woodrow Wilson all gave orders relieving soldiers, insofar as possible, from military duty on Sunday. Hayes and Garfield walked to church so their servants might rest and worship. Roosevelt and Coolidge spoke in appreciation of the Lord's Day. Both Hoover and Truman refused to fish on Sunday. Do you ever wonder how God feels about the casual "business as usual" observance of the Lord's Day accepted by many today?
Father, help me to evaluate my observance of the Lord's Day