Monday, June 16, 2008

June 17, 2008

Fellowshipping Together

Read the Bible through:
AM –
2 Chronicles 5-6 : PM – John 11

Generous in Sharing
Acts 2:43-45

44 “And all that believed were together, and had all things common.”

To share or not to share? The church's benevolence committee wrestled with the question. The committee had authorization from the congregation to share church funds to help members in need. Yet a particular member's request was the same as he had made three times in as many months. Evidence abounded that the family was careless, if not wasteful, with their limited income. Should church funds be used again to bail the family out of a tight situation?

A willingness to share characterized the early Jerusalem Christians. In the unity of their common life in Christ, they found themselves willing to give what they possessed to help one another. Did they ever stop to wonder if those in need deserved their help? Were they ever troubled by the same members being in need repeatedly? Did close analysis of every request for help rob them of the spontaneous joy that came through sharing generously? We don't know about individuals in Jerusalem, but we can know about ourselves.

Lord, help me respond in generosity to those around me.