Thursday, June 12, 2008

June 13, 2008

Ministering to Needs

Read the Bible through:
AM –
1 Chronicles 25-27 : PM – John 8:12-59

As Stewards of God’s Grace
1 Peter 4:10-11

10 “As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”

Luke 7:36-50 tells about a woman, known as a sinner, who became a good steward of God’s grace. She used her long hair and tears to wipe the dirt and grime away from Jesus’ road weary feet – feet soon to be nailed to a cross. When his feet were dry, she poured expensive perfume over them. The woman ministered to Jesus by using the resources she possessed. The host complained that Jesus should not even be associated with such a woman. Jesus expressed gratitude for the good stewardship of her actions.

This woman understood God loved her just as she was and had gifted her to minister to others. How privileged she was to have the opportunity to minister to Jesus, to sit at the feet of the One who loves us so. When we use our gifts to minister to others in His name, we too are sitting at His feet.

Lord, help me to be a good steward of Your grace.