Sunday, April 6, 2008

April 7, 2008

The Good Shepherd

Read the Bible through:
AM –
Judges 13-15 : PM – Luke 2:41-52

Feeds the Sheep
Ezekiel 34:22-24

“I will establish one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them-My servant David. He shall feed them and be their shepherd”

To “lick the pan” was a delight of our growing-up years. Mom would never wash a bowl in which a delicious bit of her cuisine had been mixed without calling us kids in to lick it clean. Even now, no matter what time we arrive for a visit, comes the inevitable question: “Are you hungry?” This is Mom’s way of saying “I love you.”

God also had a love for His people Israel. The false shepherds, who didn’t really love them, had scattered God’s flock. Ezekiel envisioned a time when God would, from the seed of His servant David, provide a true shepherd for His sheep. The immediate fulfillment of that prophecy, of course, was their return from exile. We now know, however, that Shepherd was Jesus. From the seed of David, He claimed to be the faithful Shepherd who would love and feed his sheep. Are you spiritually hungry? Come on and lick the pan. It’s good.

Lord, You are the source of every delicious morsel of spiritual food that satisfies the deepest hunger of my heart.