Friday, April 25, 2008

April 26, 2008

The Bread of Life

Read the Bible through:
AM –
1 Samuel 26-27 : PM – Luke 10:1-24

Living Bread
John 6:47-51

51 "I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world."

Believing God had called them to become career missionaries, the Caroll Townsend’s family took the necessary steps to be appointed. Each of them had a complete physical at the International Learning Center. One of the medical tests involved drawing blood. Their youngest son was not thrilled at that prospect. They assured him it was not painful. Caroll stood beside him as he gingerly stretched his arm for the nurse. When the procedure was over, the boy said, “Dad, am I now a missionary?” That young man was willing to give his blood to go tell others, in a foreign country, about Christ.

Jesus was confident about the words He spoke. He knew the cross was the only means of redeeming a lost world. He would go to the cross alone. Jesus would give His life for your life and mine. He knew, by giving His life, living Bread would be available to all who believe.

Lord, thank You for redeeming me.