Wednesday, March 26, 2008

March 27, 2008

Praying with Humility

Read the Bible through:
AM –
Joshua 13-15 : PM – Mark 14:53-72

Obeying God’s Command
2 Chronicles 7:17-22

"As for you, if you walk before Me as your father David walked, and do according to all that I have commanded you, and if you keep My statutes and My judgments"

Most of us remember from our earlier years that things went better for us at home or school when we obeyed the rules. Our sinful nature leads us to test the limits, and we have all done that. We may have tested the limits thinking they just don’t know, or they are keeping something from me, or I am just going to see if I can get away with it. Whatever the reason, we found out sooner or later the rules were there for a purpose – for our own good, to protect us.

God gives rules and commands for us to obey. We need to have guidelines as we are like wayward sheep who do not know any better. God wants our obedience out of a love for Him. If we love Him; we will want to obey Him and know Him better.

Father, grow within me an obedient spirit, flowing out of my deep love for You.