Saturday, March 15, 2008

March 16, 2008

Praying That Focuses on God

Read the Bible through:
AM –
Deut. 24-26 : PM – Mark 10.32-52

His Redemption
Psalm 130:6-8

7 "O Israel, hope in the LORD; For with the LORD there is mercy, And with Him is abundant redemption”

I had a special job in the family: S&H Green Stamps assistant. My job was to lick and sick stamps until books were complete and keep a count of how many books had been filled. My mother and I had usually selected an item for which we were saving, and I always knew how many more books of stamps were needed. The S&H Green Stamps Redemption Center was an exciting place to go. To my child’s mind, we were getting something absolutely free. The price paid for the groceries that earned those Green Stamps never crossed my mind.

As Christians, our redemption has already been paid by the sacrificial act of Christ at cavalry. Instead of believers depending upon a book waiting to be filled with redemption stamps, we have the privilege of God’s Book, the Bible, already filled with His instructions for our redeemed lives.

Father, thank You for the gift of redemption and for Your Word to guide me as I live a redeemed life.