Thursday, March 20, 2008

March 21, 2008

Praying for Protection

Read the Bible through:
AM –
Joshua 1-2 : PM – Mark 12:28-44

Though Dangers Abound
Psalm 91:9-13

"He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways”

The Old English cathedral was famous for majestic stained-glass windows depicting angels. My wife and I anticipated the beauty but had not expected the emotional impact of actually seeing the beauty of this artwork. Natural light filtered through the ceiling-high windows giving the impression that the angels were watching over us as we stood looking up into their faces. What a sense of being completely surrounded by these beautiful creatures.

Through years of war and storms these angel windows have stayed as a reminder of our God, who watches over us in times of great stress and fear.

The psalmist continued his prayer for protection. He knew the Lord must be his refuge and his habitation. He also knew God’s will. Protection cannot be guaranteed if the believer is walking in disobedience.

Thank You, Lord, for all the ways You provide for my protection.