Monday, November 10, 2008

Nov.11, 2008

Good News for All Cultures

Read the Bible through:
AM –
Ezekiel 15-16 : PM – Heb. 6

Who Believe
Acts 8:36-40

Then Philip said, "If you believe with all your heart, you may." And he answered and said, "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God."

Because of the dry season, the creeks and rivers had dried up to unconnected shallow pools of water. The congregation at King River Baptist Church stood in the shade of a towering tropical forest, and Keith Edwards, a medical missionary, squatted on the fallen trunk of a large Iroko tree that stretched out over the water. The ordained missionary preacher who was baptizing the converts did not know their language, so it was his job to translate the baptismal formula as he gave it in English.

Keith did not think any crocodiles had been seen in this area of the river. Still, he kept a wary eye on the water and the banks as 12 candidates entered the river for baptism.

Yes, that baptism was quite different from any we have seen here in the United States, but one thing was exactly the same. Like the eunuch, each new convert said: “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”

Lord, I rejoice in the eternal life I received when I believed in Jesus