Thursday, September 18, 2008

September 19, 2008

Leaving a Legacy

Read the Bible through:
AM –
Isaiah 30-32 : PM – 2 Cor. 8

Joshua 5:10-12

12 “Then the manna ceased on the day after they had eaten the produce of the land; and the children of Israel no longer had manna, but they ate the food of the land of Canaan that year.”

At Gilgal, the children of Israel renewed their commitment to God before beginning their conquest of the Promised Land. Their joyous Passover was to remind them of God’s mighty acts. Because the land was ready for planting and harvesting, they no longer needed God’s miraculous supply of manna. They could now work the land and grow food for themselves.

God expects us to use our energy and talents to provide for ourselves. We in the United States are graciously blessed agriculturally. Our fields overflow, allowing us to export surplus to less fortunate countries. Without realizing it, our food is as manna in third-world areas.

God’s blessings are evident in ever area of our lives. Out of gratitude we should commit and recommit ourselves to God, thanking Him daily for His constant blessings. We should be continually humbled by His bountiful legacy of provisions.

Oh, God, I am truly grateful for your gracious provisions.