Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 12, 2008


Read the Bible through:
AM –
Isaiah 8-9 : PM – 2 Cor. 1

1 TIMOTHY 3:1-7

7 "Moreover he must have a good testimony among those who are outside, lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.”

A few years ago, when I was looking for work, I had occasion to read a lot of want ads. I read about many jobs I knew I could do. When I went to apply for them, I would be handed a set of qualifications I was sure no person could meet. I now know many of the qualifications were ideals and not really requirements. Most of the time the employers were willing to settle for less qualified people so long as they got people who were willing to work and learn.

Our test today presents qualifications for a bishop, or pastor. Sometimes we tend to zero in on one or two of the qualifications as most important. But the key verse (7) sure sums up all of them for us. The witness a Christian leader lives daily makes it possible for others to see the gospel in action and the reflection of Christ in that leader’s life.

Father, remind me to seek out those who reflect Your love so I will know whom to follow.