Tuesday, April 8, 2008

April 9, 2008

The Good Shepheard

Read the Bible through:
AM –
Judges 17-18 : PM – Luke 3:21-38

He Gives His life
John 10:7-13

11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep”

Would you voluntarily put your life on the line to rescue somebody? I could hope I would, but I’m really not sure. There are thousands of people, however, who do risk their lives for the lives of others such as the brave firefighters who knew they were in jeopardy yet went into the World Trade Towers anyhow.

A friend of mine gave one of her own kidneys to a brother who desperately needed it. It may not be quite the same, but she was fully aware of the risk. It is very serious thing.

In the days of Jesus, shepherds were men who had literally grown up keeping sheep. They had learned a shepherd sometimes must fight off dangerous predators to save the sheep, often at grave risk to their own lives. This marked the difference between a true shepherd and a hireling. Jesus is the true Shepherd, and He proved His love by laying down His life for us.

Father, there is no greater love than this. Help me today, at least, to love my brothers and sisters.