Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February 14, 2008

The Bible: Its Purpose

Read the Bible through:
AM –
Leviticus 16-18 PM – Matthew 25:1-30

Rewarding the Righteous
Psalm 19:9-11

11 “Moreover by them Your servant is warned, And in keeping them there is great reward”

As the pianist played, children began to gather at the front of the church auditorium. Mrs. Stackpole would use an object lesson or tell a story to them today. All techniques pointed to the Bible and its teachings. After the application and prayer, the children headed back to their parents. But first the children usually received a reward for their participation. Candy was the most popular one. Their real reward, however, was learning to apply God’s Word.

Some children are rewarded with money or special privileges for making straight A’s or keeping their rooms clean. They receive ribbons, medals, or trophies for participation or excelling in sports or other competitions. Adults are rewarded with plaques, raises, or promotions for a job well done.

The greatest reward comes with knowing and obeying God’s Word. Think about ways in which God has rewarded your obedience.

Thank You, God, for Your wonderful rewards, both now and for eternity.