Monday, June 9, 2008

June 10, 2008

Ministering to Needs

Read the Bible through:
AM –
1 Chronicles 18-19 : PM – John 7:1-36

As One Body
Romans 12:4-8

“So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.”

She thought the annual women’s day was going to be a disaster. After all, she was in charge. Instead of being with the committee, she was running behind schedule. She just knew when she got to the church the committee would be falling apart. Frantic, she raced to the church to find everything right on schedule. She checked the details. Everything was ready and lovely, but how?

For months the prayer group had been praying. The group gifted with hospitality had arranged the luncheon. The administratively gifted folk had set up the registration and room assignments. Each woman had used her gifts to make the arrangements complete. And each woman was smiling from the joy of serving the Lord.

God taught her a lesson. She had been robbing women of the joy of service when she attempted to complete the tasks of ministry on her own. By the end of the day, each woman expressed how much more she had received from the event. There is joy in being a part of God’s team.

Thank You, Lord, for uniquely gifting each of Your children.