Saturday, December 1, 2007

December 2, 2007

Preparing the Way

Through God’s mercy
Luke 1:57-64

Read the Bible through:
AM –
Daniel 7-8 : PM – 1 John 1

When her neighbors and relatives heard how the Lord had shown great mercy to her, they rejoiced with her.
(Luke 1:58).

Some of Elisabeth’s cousins probably laughed at how old she was when she became pregnant. Some of the men probably said Zacharias should be a grandfather rather than a father. However, when the time came for the baby shower, both friends and family came rejoicing. I know from the Scripture they brought love, excitement, and joy over the mercies of God that allowed such a blessing to come to this older couple.

A Christian Doctor told me, “When patients come to my office with an unexpected pregnancy, they are frequently ambivalent. They had not planned to have a baby. They are not ready for the responsibility. I tell them when something unexpected occurs, something altogether different from their plans, they should look for God’s hand in it. Their unexpected pregnancy is a wonderful event and might prove to be the sweetest blessing of their lives.

Thank You, God, for Your blessings – the common everyday ones and the unexpected ones.