Christians pray
Acts 12:1-5
Read the Bible through:
AM - 2 Kings 8-9 : PM -Luke 23:13-32
"Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him" (Acts 12:5).
Isaiah 55:8 tells us God's ways and our ways are not the same. Nowhere is that more clearly seen than in the ways He chooses to increase our faith. Just as "the Way" was gaining momentum, Peter, one of its leaders, was thrown in prison. God's people were drawn to their knees. Through this experience, God was able to teach his people more about dependence on Him. God also was able to demonstrate his power.
The early Christians had no personal power to release Peter from prison. But on their knees, they had unlimited power not only to release Peter from prison, but also to change the world. That same power is available to us today.
Without faith we cannot please God. We should learn to see the difficulties in life not as obstacles, but as opportunities for God to demonstrate His power. He is waiting to respond to our prayers today.
Lord, increase my faith and teach me to pray without ceasing.