Saturday, May 12, 2007

May 13

Ministry in Natural Disaster
Thanksgiving shows faith
Acts 27:33-38

Read the Bible through:
AM - 1 Kings 5-6 PM -Luke 18:1-17

"And when he had said these things, he took bread and gave thanks to God in the presence of them all; and when he had broken it he began to eat"
(Acts 27:35).

My grandparents raised 10 children during the Great Depression of the 1930's. The family picked blackberries, butchered hogs, produced eggs, dried apples, and milked cows. The boy cut firewood and the girls patched clothes. I am sure Granny wanted the children to have more things, but they had enough and everyone learned to be thankful.

Paul's public thanks was a faithful witness to the other 275 frightened people on the ship. They hadn't eaten in 14 days. Reasons for their fasting could have been fear, seasickness, or religious views. Fasts were a common Jewish and early church custom participated in because of sin or misfortune.

After drifting two weeks, Paul assured his shipmates they would remain alive. He took food and thanked God in their presence. As Paul began to eat, everyone followed his example. They became cheerful and ate.

Help me accept from You, God, an appreciative spirit.