Monday, September 22, 2008

September 23, 2008

Obeying Totally

Read the Bible through:
AM –
Isaiah 42-43 : PM – 2 Cor. 12

Joshua 6:17-19

18 “"And you, by all means abstain from the accursed things.”

The children of Israel received specific instructions as they entered a hostile environment (Jericho). To disobey would bring trouble to the nation of Israel. Achan chose to violate the instructions. The entire nation suffered because he failed to shun disobedience. (Josh. 7:1-26).

Today, missionaries serving in countries considered the Last Frontier must share the gospel wisely. When going into places hostile to Christianity, missionaries often work in secular jobs. They must follow explicit instructions. To disobey would endanger the missionaries as well as locals with whom they build relationships. Even stateside friends must follow explicit instructions when communicating with Last Frontier missionaries. Failure to follow the instructions could bring harm to the missionaries and impede the spread of the gospel.

As we follow God’s instructions daily, let us follow them explicitly; for He knows what is best.

Lord, I want to live in total obedience to You