Saturday, August 9, 2008

August 10, 2008

Being Faithful

Read the Bible through:
AM –
Psalm 78-80 : PM – Rom. 1:18-32

Genesis 39:22-23

23 “The keeper of the prison did not look into anything that was under Joseph's authority, because the LORD was with him; and whatever he did, the LORD made it prosper.”

“You’re rich!” exclaimed the 10-year old Laotian girl. She had just taken a quick tour of the missionary’s 14-70 foot mobile home. She saw a washer and dryer in the house. She had never seen this before. To her it was a luxury. Wealth is not necessarily a matter of money; it sometimes is a matter of comparison to others.

The keeper of the prison made a judgment based on comparison. He clearly saw Joseph was blessed by God. Everything Joseph did prospered. Just like us, Joseph was created to follow God’s plan. Just because God was with him didn’t mean Joseph was problem free. Joseph didn’t stop working when he surpassed those around him. He continually demonstrated God was in charge of his life.

Does having God with you make a difference in how you act or react?

Father, I know You are in charge of my life. Remind me today of an area of my life I need to turn over to You.