Thursday, August 28, 2008

August 29, 2008


Read the Bible through:
AM –
Pro. 13-14 : PM – 1 Cor. 3

Luke 6:35-38

37 "Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven”.

We usually don’t have much trouble forgiving our wives or children. After all, they have to live with us, and we know it won’t be long until we’ll be asking them to forgive us. But what about forgiving the rest of the world we encounter each day –the people we don’t really know (such as the ones who cut us off in traffic) or the people we don’t even like (such as those difficult, grumbling coworkers)? Sometimes we want to put limits on the people and situations that we are willing to forgive.

If we’re going to do things God’s way, then we must get to the point where we can forgive everyone – even the people we don’t particularly like. When we can forgive everyone, as Jesus stated in our passage, we are following the example of our Heavenly Father. He is willing to forgive us, lovely and unlovely, (all f us behave unlovingly at times).

Father, help me to follow the example You set in showing forgiveness to all who ask for it.